The impacts of voluntary sustainability standards on sustainable coffee production in Latin America


发表 2020年5月1日 by TRANS SUSTAIN Project, UNiversity of Munster and INCAE Business School. . 作者: Dietz, T. , Grabs, J. , Kilian, B. and Chong, A.


The TRANS SUSTAIN project was a research project aimed at studying the impacts and outcome additionality of sustainability standards (both voluntary) and through supply chain sustainablity sourcing codes on a range of variables in relation to coffee production in three countries - Homduras, Costa Rica and Colombia. The project, whose primary data draws from surveys with close to 2000 coffee-farming households, examines the impacts of such standards across a wide range of economic, social and environmental indicators. It also develops a Voluntary Coffee Standards Index to allow comparability across schemes across all areas of sustainablity.


The impacts of voluntary sustainability standards on sustainable coffee production in Latin America


发表 2020年5月1日 by TRANS SUSTAIN Project, UNiversity of Munster and INCAE Business School. . 作者: Dietz, T. , Grabs, J. , Kilian, B. and Chong, A.
