A participatory framework for feasibility assessments of climate change resilience strategies for smallholders: lessons from coffee cooperatives in Latin America


发表 2020年1月1日 by Taylor and Francis. 作者: Shapiro-Garza, E. , King, D. , Rivera-Aguirre, A. , Wang, S. and Finley-Lezcano, J.


Coffee farmers are already experiencing the impacts of climate change, yet recommended resilience strategies are often cost-prohibitive for smallholder producers and/or maladapted to local conditions and contexts. This paper assesses the feasibility of climate change resilience strategies selected by two smallholder cooperatives - one in Peru and one in Guatemala. These strategies include crop diversification; rainwatercollection systems; pest monitoring and management; collective coffee seed banks and nurseries; and solar coffee dryers. The study results provide criteria that can be used to determine if these five resilience strategies are appropriate for given environmental, socioeconomic, andpolitical contexts. They also demonstrate the need for tailoring resilience strategies to fit local conditions.


A participatory framework for feasibility assessments of climate change resilience strategies for smallholders: lessons from coffee cooperatives in Latin America


发表 2020年1月1日 by Taylor and Francis. 作者: Shapiro-Garza, E. , King, D. , Rivera-Aguirre, A. , Wang, S. and Finley-Lezcano, J.

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