Building long-term sustainability in multi-stakeholder platforms: making your impact last


发表 2021年6月1日 by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 作者: Pedersen, L.


Multi-Stakeholder Platforms (MSPs) have emerged as a popular approach to agricultural commodity sustainability, as the impact of decades of stakeholders’ commitment and effort in an individual, unconnected basis continues to be elusive. Public and private sectors increasingly recognize that problems are too complex to be solved by any single actor. MSPs are spaces where stakeholders build a shared vision and a willingness to take joint action to solve the overwhelming challenges facing the world’s food and agriculture systems. This document was developed by UNDP’s Green Commodities Programme (GCP), to guide the co-design processes which will ensure the long-term sustainability of an MSP. It was collaboratively developed in a participatory process extending over 4 stakeholder webinars which synthesized the experience of more than 30 practitioners. It provides a series of ideas, options and suggestions on MSP sustainability that have been generated by the members of GCP’s Green Commodities Community.


Building long-term sustainability in multi-stakeholder platforms: making your impact last


发表 2021年6月1日 by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 作者: Pedersen, L.