Following the 2019 London Declaration on price levels, price volatility and the long-term sustainability of the coffee sector, the International Coffee Council requested the International Coffee Organization (ICO) to set up a Coffee Public-Private Task Force (CPPTF). United Nations Development Programme’s Green Commodities Programme (UNDP) and the Global Coffee Platform (GCP) facilitated a Multi-stakeholder Forum – Exporting Countries as part of TWS 3. Entitled Sector Transformation in Coffee Exporting Countries, the Multi-stakeholder Forum focused on the creation or strengthening of multi-stakeholder platforms to foster collaborative action and an enabling environment for change within the coffee sectors in exporting countries to meet the challenges of the future. Over the course of six sessions, between August and November 2021, a group met virtually. The group consisted of representatives from exporting countries, leading coffee companies, civil society organizations, experts and development agencies, all interested in joint efforts to support systemic change processes in coffee exporting countries. This document summarizes the key insights and lessons learned from the TWS 3 Multi stakeholder Forum on Sector Transformation in Coffee Exporting Countries.