Trade policy and VSS - a developing countries' perspective


发表 2021年12月13日 by Evidensia and United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards (UNFSS).


In this podcast, produced in partnership with the United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards (UNFSS), Vidya Rangan (Senior Manager for Impacts and Evidence, ISEAL) talks to Niematallah Elamin, (Economic Expert at UNCTAD and former Assistant Professor at the University of Khartoum), Archna Negi (Associate Professor in the Centre for International Politics, Organisation & Disarmament, School of International Studies, Jawarhalal Nehru University), and Mercedes Aráoz Fernández (former Vice President of Peru and Professor of Economics at the Universidad del Pacifico) about the debates surrounding trade policy and VSS from a developing countries' perspective, and particularly in the post-pandemic context.
