Cocoa Barometer 2020


发表 2020年12月1日 by Cocoa Barometer Consortium. 作者: Fountain, A. and Hütz-Adams, F.


The Cocoa Barometer 2020 provides an overview of the current sustainability developments in the cocoa sector and highlights critical issues that are not receiving sufficient attention at present. It is an endeavour to stimulate and enable stakeholders to communicate and discuss these critical issues. The authors have chosen to focus on West Africa, because of its dominance in cocoa production and the significant challenges it faces. While previous Cocoa Barometers mainly focussed on social and economic issues such as living income, a stronger emphasis on environmental issues has been added to this edition. It will furthermore explore the necessary enabling environment to achieve sustainability, including the highlighting of the urgent need for policy regulations based on Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence. Cross-cutting throughout this document are the observations that we are sorely lacking both quality data and global collaboration to solve the challenges the sector faces. The content of the 2020 Cocoa Barometer is the result of a lengthy consultation within the Cocoa Barometer Consortium, written and oral consultations with our partners from civil society and farmer-based organisations in the global South, and with much data being collected from cocoa and chocolate companies through an in-depth questionnaire. Published under Creative Commons License Attribution-Share A like 4.0 International


Cocoa Barometer 2020


发表 2020年12月1日 by Cocoa Barometer Consortium. 作者: Fountain, A. and Hütz-Adams, F.
