Public policy to support landscape and seascape partnerships: research briefing


发表 2022年6月1日 by EcoAgriculture Partners, GALLOP, Cornell University and Colombia University. 作者: Scherr, S.J., Shames, S., Buck, L., DeFries R., Ramos, J. and Sethi B.H.


Governments have recently launched major policy initiatives to address the multiple urgent land and resource challenges facing their countries: food and water insecurity, climate change, land degradation, biodiversity loss and the threats to health and livelihoods in the context of a global pandemic. Public, private and philanthropic funders have committed billions of dollars to meet these issues. But policymakers face serious difficulties in translating their policy goals into practical action on the ground. A promising strategy is to work through multi-stakeholder Landscape and Seascape Partnerships. These long-term, voluntary collaboratives of local stakeholders from different sectors are emerging worldwide to align policies and actions to better manage natural resources and the ecosystems they depend on.


View details of the primary research behind this resource

Public policy to support landscape and seascape partnerships: Meeting Sustainable Development Goals through collaborative territorial action


发表 2022年6月1日 by EcoAgriculture Partners, GALLOP, Cornell University and Colombia University. 作者: Scherr, S.J., Shames, S., Buck, L., DeFries R., Ramos, J. and Sethi B.H.
