Beyond supply chains: Pulp, paper and packaging companies take landscape action for sustainability at scale


发表 2023年5月1日 by CDP, Tropical Forest Alliance and Proforest. 作者: Galuchi, T.P.D., Aurora, L., Arceo, N.M.P. and Shennan-Farpón, Y.


This report explores why and how downstream and midstream companies are engaging at landscape scale to achieve sustainable land use in pulp, paper and packaging (PPP) production areas. The study identified 32 landscape initiatives in pulp production areas in nine countries, including Brazil, Canada, Indonesia and Portugal, and at least 26 downstream and midstream companies supporting them. The findings and recommendations in the report are drawn upon data collected through interviews with key PPP stakeholders, including companies and landscape initiative implementers, as well as through an analysis of company responses to CDP’s forest questionnaire in 2022. The report recommends companies improve their understanding of landscape approaches and their components in order to benefit more from multi-stakeholder collaborations; invest in PPP landscapes to tackle systemic issues; increase collaboration with other companies and within the same PPP landscapes; and actively engage more stakeholder groups. The report also contains additional recommendations targeted at other stakeholders in PPP landscapes looking to mobilize more private sector action.


Beyond supply chains: Pulp, paper and packaging companies take landscape action for sustainability at scale


发表 2023年5月1日 by CDP, Tropical Forest Alliance and Proforest. 作者: Galuchi, T.P.D., Aurora, L., Arceo, N.M.P. and Shennan-Farpón, Y.
