The role of third-party audits in ensuring producer compliance with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certification system


发表 2022年9月9日 by IOP Publishing Ltd . 作者: Bishop, K. J. and Carlson, K. M.


The authors compiled and analysed data from a time series of annual audit reports for two-thirds of all certified oil palm growers in Indonesia as of December 2015. They found that certified growers were required to address an average of four noncompliances per audit. Certification demanded the most changes under the thematic areas of waste & pollution (9%) and employment (7%) and the least changes in fire (<1%) and corporate social responsibility programs (<1%). The authors argue that whilst many RSPO certified growers make real changes to achieve certification, these changes do not always address core sectoral performance concerns.


The role of third-party audits in ensuring producer compliance with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certification system


发表 2022年9月9日 by IOP Publishing Ltd . 作者: Bishop, K. J. and Carlson, K. M.
