Still brewing: Fostering sustainable coffee production


发表 2024年10月18日 by Elsevier. 作者: Millard, E.


As sustainability shifts from a civil society-led movement to a core business interest within the coffee industry, this paper analyses how this evolution has impacted the application of sustainability practices, and the resultant changes in producer communities. Drawing on evidence from the programs of civil society organisations, such as standard and certification systems, the researchers show that whilst farmers are seen to benefit from the shift to more sustainable production, both supply chain governance issues and the scope of companies’ interests limit the extent of positive impact. Market-based sustainable coffee initiatives must work in conjunction with governments and donor agencies to ensure equitable social participation and environmental impacts. The authors call for future studies to focus on a wide range of market approaches, not just standards and certification.


Still brewing: Fostering sustainable coffee production


发表 2024年10月18日 by Elsevier. 作者: Millard, E.

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