Evaluation of the early impacts of sustainability standards on smallholder coffee farmers in Lampung and South Sumatra, Indonesia (Baseline report)


发表 2016年1月15日 by ISEAL Alliance. 作者: Neilson, J. and Toth, R.


The primary research questions this study is exploring are: What is the impact on farmer livelihoods as a result of being involved in a 4C- verified production unit? What is the additional impact on the livelihoods of farmers, currently part of a 4C- verified unit, if they become further certified to the SAN/RA coffee standard? The study has a mixed method design, for quantitative research components experimental and quasi-experimental quantitative research design were used.


Evaluation of the early impacts of sustainability standards on smallholder coffee farmers in Lampung and South Sumatra, Indonesia (Baseline report)


发表 2016年1月15日 by ISEAL Alliance. 作者: Neilson, J. and Toth, R.

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