Designing sustainability certification for greater impact: perceptions, expectations and recommendations in sustainability certification schemes


发表 2024年9月19日 by Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM). 作者: Mori Junior, R. and Ali, S.H.


This report researches the effectiveness of certification schemes in the minerals industry and how the schemes can help to improve the industry standards for responsible mining. The report also tried to explore drivers for scheme participation, perception and expectations to the scheme. Data was gathered through interviews conducted with participants in the scheme. The report finds that most participants participate in schemes because they add value and that stakeholder consultations and support make the schemes more effective.


Designing sustainability certification for greater impact: perceptions, expectations and recommendations in sustainability certification schemes


发表 2024年9月19日 by Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM). 作者: Mori Junior, R. and Ali, S.H.

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