REDD+ has created renewed momentum in Indonesia to address deforestation and forest degradation. The government is aware of the challenges and that policy making, the rule of law and governance all require attention. This awareness is reflected in several documents laying out Indonesia's forest policy and/or laborating the country's REDD+ strategy that point to the need for a coordinated policy approach, strengthened institutions and improved accountability. This report provides a review of Indonesia's REDD+ readiness processes as of November 2012. It follows up on the IGES report compiled by Scheyvens and Setyarso (2010) and is part of a regional study on national REDD+ readiness funded by Japan's Ministry of Environment that aims to share information and lessons from readiness processes. The data for this report were obtained from a literature review as well as from interviews with REDD+ stakeholders in Indonesia, including governmental bodies, nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), and donors.