Gender, health, and Fairtrade: insights from a research-action programme in Nicaragua


发表 2025年1月4日 by Taylor & Francis. 作者: Hanson, L., Terstappen, V., Bacon, C.M., Leung, J., Ganem-Cuenca, A., Flores, S.R.D. and Rojas, M.A.M.


This article presents evidence from research conducted in Nicaragua into gender equity in Fairtade. The authors use a framework based on the gendered social determinants of health to conclude that Fairtrade falls short of its potenital to promote gender-equity, and suggest ways in which Fairtrade could optimise its equity-promoting potential.


Gender, health, and Fairtrade: insights from a research-action programme in Nicaragua


发表 2025年1月4日 by Taylor & Francis. 作者: Hanson, L., Terstappen, V., Bacon, C.M., Leung, J., Ganem-Cuenca, A., Flores, S.R.D. and Rojas, M.A.M.

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