Transparency and sustainability in global commodity supply chains


发表 2019年9月1日 by Elsevier. 作者: Gardner, T.A., Benzie, M. , Borner, J. , Dawkins, E. , Fick, S. , Garrett, R. , Godar, J. , Grimard, A. , Lake, S. , Larsen. R.K. , Mardas, N. , McDermott, C.L., Meyfroidt, P. , Osbeck, M. , Persson, M. , Sembres, T. , Suavet, C. , Strassburg, B. and Wovekamp, P.


Over the last few decades rapid advances in processes to collect, monitor, disclose, and disseminate information have contributed towards the development of entirely new modes of sustainability governance for global commodity supply chains. However, there has been very little critical appraisal of the contribution made by different transparency initiatives to sustainability and the ways in which they can (and cannot) influence new governance arrangements. This paper strengthens the theoretical underpinning of research and action on supply chain transparency by addressing four questions: (1) What is meant by supply chain transparency? (2) What is the relevance of supply chain transparency to supply chain sustainability governance? (3) What is the current status of supply chain transparency, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of existing initiatives? and (4) What propositions can be advanced for how transparency can have a positive transformative effect on the governance interventions that seek to strengthen sustainability outcomes?


Transparency and sustainability in global commodity supply chains


发表 2019年9月1日 by Elsevier. 作者: Gardner, T.A., Benzie, M. , Borner, J. , Dawkins, E. , Fick, S. , Garrett, R. , Godar, J. , Grimard, A. , Lake, S. , Larsen. R.K. , Mardas, N. , McDermott, C.L., Meyfroidt, P. , Osbeck, M. , Persson, M. , Sembres, T. , Suavet, C. , Strassburg, B. and Wovekamp, P.
